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The Legacy Of Abandonment In Borderline Personality Disorder – The Core Wound of Abandonment

This ebook presents a thorough examination and explanation of the core wound of abandonment in BPD. It is the second ebook in a series of 5 exploring various aspects of what A.J. has termed the “core wound of abandonment” that she identified in her journey of recovery as the wound that is central to what BPD actually is and how and why it persists.

This ebook, available now, includes 6 chapters and 170 pages of must read revelation about the intricate and complicated nature of the core wound of abandonment, that is the root-cause of the emotional and relational devastation of Borderline Personality Disorder.

In this comprehensive ebook, A.J. Mahari outlines the definition, scope, and meaning of the core wound of abandonment. She describes it as the central wound that drives the emotional and relational devastation experienced by those with BPD, those who treat them, and those who care about and/or love them.

The anatomy of the core wound of abandonment is examined and explained. Along with her own experience of abandonment and her ruptured relationship with her own mother, Mahari has written an unbelievably detailed and insightful examination and explanation of the core wound of abandonment. A.J. Mahari offers her readers, in this ebook, a detailed look at how and why the core wound of abandonment is so destructive to those with BPD and everyone who gets anywhere near them relationally. Mahari writes that the destruction of the core wound of abandonment leads directly to the loss of self – a loss of authentic self that creates the false self organization of Borderline Personality Disorder. She also offers solutions and maps out the things that every borderline needs to learn if they want to recover, as A.J. has. Mahari shares the steps that she had to take, the pitfalls that block change and the awareness required to get on and stay on the road of and to recovery.

Whether you have BPD or are in (have been in)a relationship (friend, family member, significant other, ex-partner) with someone with Borderline Personality Disorder, as well as any professional treating someone with BPD will benefit from the insight A.J. Mahari shares from her own borderline experience, and her journey to her recovery from BPD.

Along with much more, A.J. outlines the following in this ebook:

What is BPD? What Causes BPD?
Note To Mothers Of Someone With BPD
Object Relations Theory
Abandonment and Loss of Self
A.J. Mahari’s Experience: “My Mother and My Abandonment Wound”
The Shame at the core of the Abandonment Wound
The Significance of the Loss of Self to the core wound of abandonment
The Effect of Abandonment on Relating
Abandonment Fear Identified and Defined – It’s role in Pathological Relating
A look at The Catalyst For Abandonment Fear
How Borderlines Act Out Abandonment Fear
Abandonment Fear and Violence
The role of Abandonment Fear on Trust
A.J. Mahari’s own personal experience with what was her Abandonment Wound
The central negatively impacting aspect of the abandonment wound in BPD
Emotional Entanglement and Enmeshment resulting from The Abandonment Wound
The Destruction caused By The Abandonment Wound
16 Signs That Indicate Toxic Relating
Codependency: Where Borderlines and Non Borderline meet
The Terror of Need experienced in BPD
BPD and Negative Psychological Associations
Inability to soothe in BPD and its impact on relating
How and why those with BPD re-experience abandonment when attempting to connect and relate
The Borderline Mask of Intimate Other
Borderline Fear of and Inability To Be Alone
The Borderline Quest For Rescue – the re-abandonment of “self”
Inability of those with BPD to soothe key negative impact to relating
What is at the core of the “borderline” lost self
Toxic Shame
Role that shame play in self-hatred in those with BPD
Irrational beliefs that arise from the guilt of The Borderline False Self

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